Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week 6-Mktg 348- SEO Optimization Pay Per Click

Pay per click campaigns are essential to SEO optimization, and in a sense are the basic starting points for the entire process. The process involves bidding on amounts for each click that happens online. The more you bid, the higher your advertisement is run on the search engine, and therefore the more traffic it will get from the consumer. This process involves the selection of different keywords that you think the consumer is going to search on the search engine.

The two search engines that allow major PPC campaigns are Google and Yahoo. Both of these search engines have recognized the importance of running ad campaigns like this, and how profitable they can potentially be. If you want the best possible web browsing activity to your website, PPC ads are the best way to go.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 6- Mktg 348- Hubspot and LinkedIn Use

Hubspot makes a big point in the use of social media when marketing toward potential customers. Marketing in the modern era almost requires the use of social media. Social media gives us a platform to reach people every where in seconds in a place that people and businesses frequently visit. LinkedIn is especially important because of the fact that it is all business connections.

Connecting through LinkedIn is extremely important in the business world. If you can get customers to go on your company's LinkedIn page, then your company will instantly become more credible in the eyes of the customer. This is also true for running ads on LinkedIn. LinkedIn ads are considered more favorable than regular ads online. LinkedIn advertisements are seen by more professionals than on other social media sites, therefore they can attract a more serious following.

Week 6- MKTG 349 Blog- Google Adwords Experience

My Google Adwords experience has been going great so far. I decided to run an advertisement about this blog in order to get my name out on the internet, and also because it is a good idea because of the fact that it's easier to start an advertisement campaign on a small blog, in order to get a hang of the process. my campaign generated a substantial amount of clicks and was actually well taken in by the internet.

My Adwords account was also originally not just included with advertising strictly with keywords. My Adwords account was also used as a display ad on the internet. This is a more complex Adwords account due to the fact that people didn't have to search keywords necessarily to see the ad, it was displyed on certain occasions. Adwords overall was a success, and I would recommend it to anyone trying to market online. My Adwords account got 152 clicks in a little under a month's time. This is decent for a first Adwords campaign account that is linked to a blog. I was happy with the success of the campaign.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 5-Mktg 349 Blog-Google Adwords Account

My Google Adwords account is set up to advertise for this marketing blog. So far the experience has been interesting to say the least. On my first attempt to create a campaign i tried to market my LinkedIn account originally but Google would not allow me to. I came to the conclusion that their reasoning behind this would be because of the fact that everyone would try this and Google could be over run by linked in accounts of people trying to get their name out there. This could potentially take over Google, which would cause people to not use Google anymore.

I feel that my Adwords account could be a potentially great thing in terms of helping to get my name out there based on my blog content. If potential employers are to see my blog and respond well to it, I feel that it could help my career in the future. I would encourage everyone to use a Google Adwords account for something.

Week 5- Mktg 348 Hubspot

Hubspot offers help with creating remarkable content as well. Hubspot talks about how you should create remarkable content. Hubspot makes the important point of saying that talking about the product and your organization is not necessarily the best way to go when trying to create remarkable content. that type of content can attract some customers, but not as many as your should attract. Your content should deal with customer solutions to problems that they have. Nothing can be more frustrating than searching the internet for a solution to a problem that you're having than having to read through a bunch of useless content before finding the answer to the problem you're looking for.

As I have stated over and over buyer personas are crucial to helping creating remarkable content. Buyer personas are basically the same thing as a profile of the target market, which you would hear in many traditional marketing circles. You have to take into account the buyer and where they are in their journey, because you have to know if they are experienced in the market and will need to know more about the endgame of purchasing a product, or if they are new to the market and will need to be coached through their first purchases.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 5 Mktg 348 SEO blog- Having Great Content

When blogging about SEO, you have to have content that is flawless, so to speak. There are many blogs on the internet that will claim many different things about SEO, but may or may not be giving good advice. Your SEO blog has to have concrete facts from credible sources about SEO. SEO information is thrown around on the internet, which discourages internet users from believing everything they read on the internet. As a blogger you have to establish a better standard for your content, which will in turn allow the web user to trust your blogs content more than the rest.

The content of your blog has to differ from the competition. It is one thing to differ the commercial aspects of the advertisement for your blog, but the actual content has to be different as well. The differences that set your blog apart from what other blogs put out are what is going to drive people to your blog over the others. This is the key to survival in the modern age of technology. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 4-349 SEO

There are very serious issues that must be considered when using search engine optimization. One major issue has to do with duplicate content. This is a serious problem because of the fact that a site with duplicate content can take away from your sites hits on a search engine. A consumer is not going to know which website to trust, especially if the consumer is not necessarily familiar with the field they are choosing to research. Duplicate content can be a huge problem to website traffic.

As the owner of the website you have to see what the problem that causes the identification on your site to be confused with other ones of the same content. You have to be proactive with your designer in figuring out how you can set up you site to where the domain search and keywords will separate your website from the others on the search engine.

Week 4-348 Hubspot Post

Social Media is extremely important to consider that you can really help amplify your content and raise awareness about your content through social media. The buyers journey is essential to consider during this process. The buyers journey involves having awareness, consideration, and then decision. It is particularly important to include the consideration stage in order to address the problem that the consumer clearly knows that he or she has. Consumers want to see a d irect answer to their problems which is a great thing to put on a social media site such as LinkedIn or Facebook.

The decision stage can also be swayed by social media in a variety of ways. One way is by posting links to case studies on social media sites for customer reassurance. This allows for the most information possible to reach the user, which not only solves their problem when they visit your site the first time, but encourages them to come back to the site in the future. With all of this combined with catering to buyer personas, social media can be very powerful.

Week 4- 348 SEO Post

Another important aspect of SEO for your website is to make sure you're definitely up to date with your indexing status. It is important to know how many results your site gets on a regular basis, because that way you will know if you have a problem with your Adwords strategy and work on improving it. The first step in doing so is to make a prediction on a piece of paper of how many results that you think will come up in the google search. The second step is actually searching the site in google in the following format: Site:websitename. You should then compare the results to your prediction, and this will help you realize how in touch with your SEO success you are.

Using a website crawler is also a must when using SEO. This gets rid of the 404 website errors (page not found) that come up when someone tries to access a web site that isn't real. If there are too many 404 errors, then Google will think that your website is of poor quality. The best crawler option is called Screaming Frog.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Week 3 Mktg 348- SEO Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a vital part of search engine optimization for a company. Google Analytics essentially allows the user to figure out whether or not their website is getting traffic on Google, and how people are getting to the website. Google Analytics allows for a company to see how much organic traffic their website got vs how much referral traffic the website obtained. When used correctly this can be a very powerful tool. Google Analytics will provide feedback that allows the user to know where to adjust keywords and descriptions accordingly in order to get more views and activity on the company website.

Google Webmaster Tools provide users with in-depth progress reports about the recent activity on the website. This feature gives crawl reports, rankings data, the most common keywords on your site, and many more. Google Webmaster allows the user to get important information right at his or her fingertips rather than have to have an analyst monitor activity. This information can allow for the user to cater Adwords campaigns according to the data. Also, by learning more about consumer preferences, they can design online marketing campaigns that are extremely more effective.